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If we end DST think about the rural children who will be waiting for the morning school bus in the dark
yes but stay on standard/farmers time, not permanent DST
Pick one or the other, don’t care which
Most important in my mind, is the need to address the root causes of the multiple crises at hand for those folks currently in encampments.
There is no decent place to live affordably (only shelter short-term); there is less and less access to medical treatment, including mental health and addictions. People are not able to access the very supports that they require to ensure they maybe able to secure permanent housing, or even sufficient shelter (due to diverse needs) during the roughest months.
Woefully, these folks often lack the financial supports (outdated - from 30 years ago - $$ amounts for OW & ODSP, especially).
These crises are systemic and hold folks in a cycle of poverty, food insecurity and lack of secure housing.
Let's work on solutions which address these root issues, rather than displace folks even more.
We can do more than one thing at once, end homelessness AND end the insanity of Daylight Savings Time
100% agree there are thousands of more important issues than this. Amazing how the masses get overworked over such petty issues.
Standard Time is the best way to go.
My 4 analogue clocks are easy to change.
However, between my house and cars there are 15 other digital clocks!
My computer and my bedside clock change themselves - goodness knows how . . .
Two - my thermostat and my digital stopwatch defy any re-setting . . .
The rest must be re-set manually, each one needing a different procedure!!!
Daylight Saving Time was a failed experiment to save energy (candles, electricity . . .) by better aligning daylight to human activity.
There is no evidence that any energy is actually saved, but the annoyance factor is huge.
Also, there is considerable evidence that the change causes car accidents to spike for several days!
It turns out that Ontario passed "enabling legislation" to do just that a few years ago, but won't move until Quebec and New York do so as well.
There is only one way to be a leader . . .
Time to give it up Mr. Ford!
I have been sending Premier Ford an email for years, urging him to get rid of this nonsocial time change. But he won't budge, even though many US states are also looking to end this practice.
We will do whatever the US does but we should be just staying on DST time.
While I agree that we are a country of immigrants, we can only accommodate so many at a time without them influencing other areas of our economy (housing costs and availability, access to doctors and medical services, etc.) and the Liberal government should have realized this and cut back on the numbers a few years back. That being said it’s time for Mr Trudeau to go and let Mr. Poilievre take over. Sorry Mr. Curry but Trudeau has had 9 years and his Sunny Days have long gone bye , bye!
Especially in light of all the scandals, the doubling of the national debt, the hated carbon tax, etc., etc. I like so many other Canadians have had my fill of Mr. Trudeau. So all that being said, I believe Mr Poilievre (and his 3 word problem solver slogans Mr. Curry) deserves a chance to set the Country back on the right track.
Mr. Trudeau had his chance and look at the mess he’s created and still he hasn’t got the common sense (another Mr. Poilievre slogan) to pack up and leave.
Sorry that was Harris' slogan from the 90*s, then picked up by American repugs, remember the confederate flags, swastikas and poliviere high fiving the terrorists, those guys, now Pierre and his three word slogans, (cause why have policies, eh?)
Day light savings time messes up too many of us let it stay one way or the other