Retired and living in Ramara
A good write up!
14 0 0
Nothing wrong with what the County is proposing to do. However, the County is still better at report writing and approving reports than getting things done.
5 1 0
No objection! Respect the Law and the speed cameras do not bother you.
9 3 0
Where do they plan to build it?
1 1 1
It is most unlikely that private business will provide all the necessary housing. The County, who is responsible for housing here, has to build, own and run a number of units for the "hard cases" if we are hoping to essentially eliminate homelessness.
1 0 0
If it work fine! The access to family doctors is lousy these days so this system can only improve it.
8 1 0
A few years ago I met a family of 4 that spent a winter frozen in a 10 m+/- sail boat. They were located a few km from Broughten Island, Nunavut. I met them early July, when they had been in the iced around 9 month. They were in good spirits at that time. There stay was financed by other people as an research project.
1 0 0
The proposal looks like a reasonable plan.
9 3 0
You are wrong! The County is an elected body. If you live in one of the 16 Townships that are part of the County you and you vote, You did elect the County Councillors.
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No listings have been posted by konrad
There was one speaker clearly opposed to a 16 plus Warden council but about 10 written submissions in favour of the smaller council
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