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Maureen Oesch

Member since: Jul, 2018

They/Them Fierce advocate for humans #LGBTQ2SIA+ #BLM #PWD ANTI-HATE, Anti-Racism (BIR) Anti-Islamaphobia Anti-Transphobia Anti-Homophobia Anti-misogyny, Anti-sexism. Child Youth & Family Counsellor/Coach- Parenting Advocate & Coach.

0 Classifieds 61 Comments 1 Endorsement

Recent Comments

Guelph's car-free nirvana is impossible without more regional transit

Guelph's car-free nirvana is impossible without more regional transit

Market Squared by Adam A. Donaldson |

Maureen Oesch commented

Excellent points, all of them Adam. Even being a one car family (with 3 licensed drivers), as we have been for years, is such a challenge because the options for taking transit outside of the City of Guelph are sorrowfully lacking. Thank you for bringing attention to the transit infrastructure needed, if we are going to service over 200,000 people by 2051.

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WARNING: dozen drug poisonings, including one fatality, in five days

WARNING: dozen drug poisonings, including one fatality, in five days

Local News |

Maureen Oesch replied

In response to Shirley's remark that " supply has been proven not to prevent this..." I have to remind folks that the only way people can access treatment and address addictions, is if they're alive. The medical evidence actually proves that these sites save lives. These consumption and treatment sites are an integral part of the treatment of drug addiction and long-term recovery success.
CTS are places folks can be monitored, can access medical personnel, and can maintain the chance to get treatment; more detox and rehab facilities are always welcome, of course. If folks are not able to access safe supply though, they may die of drug poisoning before they can recover from drug addiction.
As Michael said, it is frustrating that the CTS is not being maintained as part of the approach to tackling drug addiction treatment and long-term recovery, according to medical evidence-based research and practice.

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In a world all of jerks and tyrants, be a Kate Nixon

In a world all of jerks and tyrants, be a Kate Nixon

Market Squared by Adam A. Donaldson |

Maureen Oesch commented

Thank you Adam. Your piece was wonderfully written and captured the essence of Kate's vision and actions, and her care-first attitude.
I felt honoured to have known her and I loved her tenacious, 'let's do this' spirit with her relentless actions that backed up her love and compassion for humans.

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Some New Year's resolutions for Guelph City Hall

Some New Year's resolutions for Guelph City Hall

Market Squared by Adam A. Donaldson |

Maureen Oesch commented

Thank you for your excellent insights and recommendations, Adam.
The elected Guelph Council members have been trying to work together, despite the 'regular' use of Strong Mayor powers (appointed) that were not anticipated.
The understandable result is that Council requires more and varied meetings to address these Strong Mayor actions, that are not voted on by these elected officials, especially when the Charter of Rights 'notwithstanding' clause might be used by a municipal official in an inappropriate way.
Many folks respect and abide by the protocol to have their views heard at theses meetings AND to have their concerns become part of the official record, at City Council. There is currency in delegating and this should continue to be available to Guelph community members, despite the potential length of the Council and Committee meetings.
Respectfully and kindly, Maureen Oesch.

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Kirtida Kitchen gives back to community with '12 Days for Giving'

Kirtida Kitchen gives back to community with '12 Days for Giving'

Let's Eat |

Maureen Oesch commented

Two of the best humans in this community. Giving, it is who they are, and it is wonderful!

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Provincial grant keeping Royal City Mission warm this winter

Provincial grant keeping Royal City Mission warm this winter

Local News |

Maureen Oesch commented

I am so happy to hear this grant came through for the Royal City Mission.
What a wonderful place the RCM is, having great leadership, great community, and a focus on safety, dignity and meeting needs, for our friends and neighbours who are so deserving of of this kindness and respect.

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LETTER: Clearing encampments 'merely displaces vulnerable people to other locations'

LETTER: Clearing encampments 'merely displaces vulnerable people to other locations'

Letters to the Editor |

Maureen Oesch replied

This gentleman, JULIO Rodrigez, is not the councillor you speak of - Rodrigo Goller - perhaps you could be more careful about your referencing... the man who wrote the letter is a downtown businessman.

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LETTER: 'Homeless people aren't an eyesore, they are people'

LETTER: 'Homeless people aren't an eyesore, they are people'

Letters to the Editor |

Maureen Oesch replied

Not yet, but it will likely happen. There are 12 other mayors who signed the letter asking the Premiere to USE the "notwithstanding clause" to get around human rights, under the Charter, for people to be provided housing, before the encampment could be moved. As was done in Waterloo.
They must work together as legal representatives to ensure the best outcome fir ALL encampment folks across all 13 cities.

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Maureen Oesch replied

So the city, county and province can wash their hands of their responsibility, under law, to provide housing. That makes sense.

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Maureen Oesch replied

Wow. They can't afford either.
That's a really ignorance-based statement.
Please learn a bit about poverty - not always related to the addictions/mental health you refer to, although those humans with those diseaeses are more loudly visible.
Also, please consider gaining some knowledge about the wait lists for treatment of both addictions and mental health needs, for those in poverty, before you judge them. They are human being and our neighbours.

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