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Member since: Apr, 2024

Proudly woke and Progressive.

0 Classifieds 180 Comments

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VIDEO: Only a few hours left until Justin Trudeau is not prime minister

VIDEO: Only a few hours left until Justin Trudeau is not prime minister

Closer Look |

Propaganda replied

Blah blah blah, prove it.

0 0

Propaganda commented

You mean worse don't you, but you're right it coould be P.P.

1 2 0

LETTER: ​ Canada at a crossroads — time to wake up and unite ​

LETTER: ​ Canada at a crossroads — time to wake up and unite ​

Letters to the Editor |

Propaganda commented

"wake up"? Are you saying we on the left are not woke already? Confused are you?

3 2 1

Try 'Staycation' in face of tariffs urges tourism group

Try 'Staycation' in face of tariffs urges tourism group

Local News |

Propaganda commented

When Trump ran in '16 was my last vacation in the States. I said then if he got in they' d never be rid of him. He is on record saying if he won the 24 election America will not have to vote again! Hmm what could he mean by that? Since then I've vacationed in Quebec, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Bermuda and this year Ireland. I have no intention of visiting out "new" neighbours south of us.

2 0 0

Has the LCBO already paid for American alcohol removed from shelves?

Has the LCBO already paid for American alcohol removed from shelves?

Local News |

Propaganda replied

No you're not reading it correctly.

0 0

White House says Trump dropping plan to double steel, aluminum tariffs

White House says Trump dropping plan to double steel, aluminum tariffs

Local News |

Propaganda commented

We are trumps latest bogeyman. Remember pizzagate? Haitians eating pets? Dead people voting? Illegals voting? On and on and on. All he does is call names and rattle sabers like boss in Moscow You have to constantly throw crumbs his way so even when he is wrong he can claim a win.

5 0 0

BREAKING: Doug Ford suspends electricity export surcharge in response to trade meeting

BREAKING: Doug Ford suspends electricity export surcharge in response to trade meeting

Local News |

Propaganda replied

Nope! But good to know, what side of this folks are on.

1 3

Propaganda replied

Well you wouldn't, know why?

1 3

CLOSER LOOK: A new prime minister has been chosen — now when is the election?

CLOSER LOOK: A new prime minister has been chosen — now when is the election?

Closer Look |

Propaganda replied

Please provide your proof for this fallacy!

7 2

Propaganda replied

P. P. a lifetime at the trough....

4 2

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