I don’t think the anger (at least mine) is not so much about the tariffs but the threat coming from the Trump administration to Annex Canada. When he refers to our Prime Minister as Governor this is simply disrespecting our great country. I may not agree with Prime Minister Trudeau’s policies but I still give him the respect he deserves as our democratically elected leader.
There may be many of you thinking that will simply never happen but I am sure people thought the same when another maniac took power in Europe (Lest we forget). Trump has already made friends with Putin and has gone against the NATO alliance in votes regarding the Ukraine invasion. Trade is one thing but threatening our sovereignty is another!
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He is not putting the nations interests first. Tariffs will only hurt the middle class and all he is doing is making his wealthy friends more wealthy. Tariffs were a major contributor to the Great Depression and if he continues we may see another one. Get ready for even higher rates of inflation.
34 3
Bottom line is that it is better to have someone from the party in power than the opposition. For for your city.
0 7 0
Of course, why have someone with a ton of political experience as your representative and a member of the party that will probably gain power. Finally if Ford hand picked him for the riding then perhaps he will get a cabinet post. People with cabinet posts never do anything for the riding they represent.
9 7 1
Must be an election in the near future.
14 4 0
Businesses do not have to participate in the program. This is just another half-baked idea from the Trudeau government trying to buy votes. The sooner the liberals get ousted the better it will be for Canada
35 14 4
Harper called it when he ran against Trudeau and this is exactly where we are today. Massive debt that the conservatives will have to straighten out (again). Seems the conservatives are always having to clean up the mess left by the liberals and just when they get things looking better we vote the liberals back in. Rinse and repeat.
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We will do whatever the US does but we should be just staying on DST time.
5 3 0
Unless a company has already been working on a proposal there is not enough time allotted to develop a comprehensive plan. Prime waterfront and they are going to put affordable housing on it?
23 1 0
No listings have been posted by Mopar
I think it should be taken down and not out of disrespect of our Soo Michigan friends but for the single reason that their administration is threatening our sovereignty. Trumps constant reference to our PM as “Governor Trudeau” is totally disrespectful. I may not agree with Prime Minister Trudeau and how he has run our country during his term but he is our democratically elected leader and he deserves to be treated with respect. I am Canadian and I will always be Canadian.
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