OMG you are so hilarious! Maybe you should be a comedian? As always a very insightful comment from you. At least you are consistent. Kudos
0 0
Canadians have always been patriotic they just don't feel the need to shove in your face. Our leaders across the board have been generally fine. We are the freest society and yet a minority still complain about everything. National pride never went away so maybe look at yourself first.
7 7
Yeah you clearly are not Canadian
13 5
That is magical thinking since here is absolutely nothing that any party in Canada can say that will change the Trump government's minds. They are wasting time and money. As for Ford, he clearly is using this has an excuse to extend his term. Funny that you point out spending promises by the NDP when the current government has outspent all previous and is promising billions in goodies. What is out of touch is people think one party is more fiscally responsible.
6 16
Yes we need to decouple and diversify asap regardless and not a single party is saying that.
24 7
Go away
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You clearly do not live here or know Mike
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Why? Do we really want to look like downtown Waterloo or does everyone just not care and prefer concrete jungles?
3 5
Yes there is zero enforcement. Off leash is a major issue and the owners should have to take a course in responsibility
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No listings have been posted by James561
Normally I am not a fan these type of comments, but honestly who in a right mind would use a blow torch???
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