who's fault is it if they miss the bus?
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Time to let the less used players have a chance and use the remaining games as a pre-season camp for next year.
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I wonder if it's the same at Duty Free shops...
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ya, In Cambridge you take your life in your hands trying to cross there, and that if you have good vision. imagine those with limited vision trying to cross hoping that drivers will actually stop...
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maybe start by taking away some parking spots at Quebec and Wyndham streets. Traffic trying to turn right is blocked by cars waiting to turn left, takes forever for buses to get thru. also that advance green light at Quebec and Bake is useless, for the majority of the day, traffic on Quebec is forced to stop for zero cars coming out of baker. Maybe change it to a sensor or have the lights change less during the day and only during rush hour when Baker is actually in use.
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none of them...
54 23 3
far too many hotels/motels turn a blind eye to what is going on right under their noses, mainly because staff are also involved either directly or indirectly with payment to look the other way. wherever the vulnerable are housed, that is where it is happening.
7 1 0
Facing an uphill battle at this point.
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Social services will pay that much?! Maybe I should ask for an upgrade...
1 16 2
No listings have been posted by Steve Spyderman
So 'experts' are calling for a free flow of illegal drugs over the borders? What kind of nonsense is that?
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