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Scott Fr

Scott Fr

Member since: Sep, 2018

Recent Comments

Some New Year's resolutions for Guelph City Hall

Some New Year's resolutions for Guelph City Hall

Market Squared by Adam A. Donaldson |

Scott Fr
Scott Fr commented

Well said. You nailed it again.

9 4 0

City hall flails as they move fast and break things

City hall flails as they move fast and break things

Market Squared by Adam A. Donaldson |

Scott Fr
Scott Fr replied

There are currently 13 signatories, including Cam. This petition opposing the use of the notwithstanding clause reproduces the letter:

5 1

Is it time to end Daylight Savings Time?

Poll |

Scott Fr
Scott Fr replied

We can do more than one thing at once, end homelessness AND end the insanity of Daylight Savings Time

1 0

Council approves online voting for next municipal election

Council approves online voting for next municipal election

Local News |

Scott Fr
Scott Fr replied

That is the problem with online voting. there is not "side channel" that would allow a double check on the results. You can't be sure that your online vote was properly recorded, and you can't do a recount because there are no records other than the originals on the server. There is no ID check. You could collect ballots from all you friends who don't vote and vote in their place.

7 4

Hitachi’s Guelph plant expecting to double workforce

Hitachi’s Guelph plant expecting to double workforce

Local News |

Scott Fr
Scott Fr replied

The shovels used in the oil-sands are mostly electric, powered by cables.

1 0

City council supports ending subsidy of new gas pipelines

City council supports ending subsidy of new gas pipelines

Local News |

Scott Fr
Scott Fr replied

Taxes support out social structures. The oils and gas industry contributes just over 6% of the Canadian economy.

4 3

Central Public School parents upset with boundary review

Central Public School parents upset with boundary review

Local News |

Scott Fr
Scott Fr commented

Why can't the boundaries be changed for new students, but allow already registered students continue in their current school until they graduate?

1 0 0

Council wants to lower 10.3% tax hike. But how?

Council wants to lower 10.3% tax hike. But how?

Local News |

Scott Fr
Scott Fr replied

The problem with that is that the torch bearing villiagers will never be appeased, so we might as well ignore them and MOVE ON. The original quote for the Library was $67million., the villiagers complained. It was cut back to $62million. The villiagers ignored that, claimed the cost was still $67million (see the "Caught in Guelph" FaceBook group on a daily basis). Build it now or build it later at an even higher cost.

2 0

Improving advisory committees means improving them for everyone

Improving advisory committees means improving them for everyone

Market Squared by Adam A. Donaldson |

Scott Fr
Scott Fr commented

There needs to be more transparency around how committee are chosen. My impression is that people put their names forward, then staff chooses them, then submits the names to council, who only sees the names chosen by staff. This makes the member selection process almost entirely staff driven.

2 0 0

Community composter staying put for now after being told to vacate

Community composter staying put for now after being told to vacate

Following Up |

Scott Fr
Scott Fr commented

It appears that the onus is on Sherwood Forest Investments to demonstrate the issues that they claim exist.

0 0 0

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