Officials with the Voyageur Multi-Use Trail System along with some volunteers recently built a new shelter.
The shelter, which replaces the old one which was taken down due to safety concerns, is located about 15 minutes Northeast of Mattawa just off Highway 533.
Yvan Robidas, Renald Nadeau, Joshua Dean, Jamie Moore and Gage Blake did most of the work along with a generous donation of timber from Mattawa Adventure Camp and Renald Nadeau.
The main purpose of this upgraded shelter is to provide a shelter for all users of the trails during inclement weather or excessive heat.
A fire pit has been erected closeby.
VMUTS operates solely by volunteers and the volunteer management committee appreciates all work done to improve our trails.
VMUTS has also leased an excavator to repair trails for the upcoming next four weeks. Officials ask riders to please use caution when riding the trails.
The Voyageur Multi-Use Trail System (VMUTS) occupies a superbly scenic area between the Algonquin Highlands and Laurentian Mountains, bordered by the Mattawa and Ottawa Rivers.
For more information on the trail system go to their website at