Everyone in Powassan and well beyond had a red nose on last Friday, from bus drivers, hospital patients, mechanics, shoppers, to restaurant diners.
The campaign was organized by Kathie Hogan at Powassan and District Union Library and Wendy Dipersio from Kudos Restaurant, with all money divided equally between the Powassan Food Bank and three-year-old old cancer fighter, Jordan McInerney. She was the ambassador for sick Kids Hospital this past year.
"We had one lady send us a photo from her North Bay Hospital gurney, 10 minutes away from hip replacement surgery, wearing a red nose.," reported Hogan,
"Guys up the pole in a cherry picker with a red nose. Construction guys, mechanics with grease, public works guys....every single place in Powassan was on board. I got a photo from a quilting shop in Stratford with ladies all wearing red noses. All staff at Dr. Guy Dentistry in North Bay wore a red nose. A bus driver in Chisholm. Diners at all the restaurants in Powassan. Every student at Mapleridge School. The principal and students at Widdifield in North Bay and on and on."
Jordan's family watched it unfold almost live on the Powassan Library facebook page.
Over $3,000 has been raised with more rolling in.
"It was absolutely overwhelming," Hogan exclaimed. "It's the most startling thing...200 kids with red noses, police officers with red noses...there wasn't anybody that said no.
To be in the centre is was like a red-nosed tornado and I was in the eye of the storm."
Hogan says Kudo's Restaurant in Powassan was a key to the success.
"The owner, Wendy Dipersio is a cousin of Jordan, and she bought 1,500 red noses in from Hong Kong. That's in a town of 900."