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Letter to the editor: Exception taken to abattoir comments

'Being young, poor, or not born here has little effect on our crime rate'
Alastair the cow

Editor's note: Ms. O'Shea writes in response to a previous letter to the editor Locating a slaughterhouse in North Bay may create problems.


Ms. Hacker’s comments concerning the building or expansion of an abattoir in our area are probably accurate in some aspects. I cannot comment on that since I have no experience regarding abattoirs.

However, I do take exception to some of her comments.

The idea that those who live in the area of the airport will not want it because they have expensive homes makes me wonder if she has really travelled around the areas behind the airport, or is only cognizant of the housing just off of Airport Road.

However more importantly the idea that “young, poor, and not local” workers might bring more crime to our community is sad. Being young, poor, or not born here has little effect on our crime rate.

Obviously, although she was at one time young, it is unlikely that she was poor and I suspect she lived most of her growing up years in one town. Not everyone has that luxury.

And finally, North Bay is surrounded by agriculture. Most of our smaller surrounding towns are agricultural centres.

Thank you

Lynda O’Shea

North Bay