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LETTER: Ten Commandments should be taught in school

As a former kindergarten teacher in the 50s, I was able and happy to teach Bible stories

To the Editor:

Two weeks ago, a full-page article in the Toronto Star revealed teachers and principals were frustrated with problems in their classes. Today, Toronto City Council is facing its highest youth crime rate, 18 and under. They are searching for answers.

At 95 years of age, I have fond memories of my school experiences. Each morning, we would rise to pledge allegiance" to our flag, to our King, and to our Country, for which it stands", then we would recite the Lord's Prayer. Now, in public schools, there is no mention of God or His Word.

As a former kindergarten teacher in the 50s, I was able and happy to teach Bible stories. In the 80s, my husband Walter was an area superintendent of schools in the Nipissing District. He was heartbroken by the decision to remove scripture from the curriculum.

I believe the answer is to begin by teaching the Ten Commandments...
• Love the Lord your God;
• Love your Neighbor;
• Do not steal, kill, or lie...

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."

How can we sing "God keep our Land" if we ignore Him?
When we leave “God" out of “Good”, we have "O".


Kathleen Hayes
