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LETTER: Drivers, wake up before you kill a child

What if the next child killed is yours, or your niece/nephew, or your grandchild?
20190830 school bus lights flashing opp
File photo

Editor's note: Ms. McClure writes in response to the BayToday story Stock counts 7 drivers ignoring school bus lights in first week.


This statistic actually sickens me.

What are people thinking? So self-absorbed that no one else's safety matters to them?

If you're operating a vehicle, pay attention, be alert, and obey the laws.

What if the next child killed is yours, or your niece/nephew, or your grandchild?

Wake up, or stop driving - you are a menace and should be charged with murder if you can't control your bad habits and wind up running a child over!

Joelle McClure

Ottawa, but North Bay feels like home to me