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LETTER: Reader laments so-called Summer of Ford

'I guess this is Plan B and he thinks all us Ontarians are dumb'
Doug Ford in a commercial that has steamed LCBO workers.

To the editor:

Is it just me or are we hearing "Doug Ford's" name a lot in the news?
From repairing the "Science Centre" or making it easier to get your booze?
"A buck a beer" was the platform that he ran
Why he is so fixated? I still don't understand

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"! Isn't that what they say?
All of his stupid bureaucracy is obviously getting in the way
Very few grocery stores are warming up to his latest "scheme"
For "Doug Ford" it seems to be a reoccurring dream

Could this be his way of catering to us common folk?
He has a history of hating "unions" and he continues to provoke
Look at the way he handled the teachers, it was a total disgrace!
In the end, these educators certainly put him in his place!

He got tutored by the teachers, but the lesson wasn't learned
He is in another conflict and once again he doesn't seem concerned
Only 37 of 2000 grocery stores have aided him in his lament
So if you were to calculate this, it comes out at roughly 2 percent

Not quite a big enough endorsement to put his plan in action
It has been over three weeks and the big stores don't see the attraction
The "LCBO" has gone on strike and has closed every single store
"Ford" is sticking to his plan and refusing to negotiate once more

Thousands of jobs on the line, with hundreds of millions of public money in its wake
Conveniently left open for his rich backers to swoop in and take!
All these funds would be gone and jobs will be lost in the outcome
I guess this is his plan "B" and he thinks all us "Ontarians" are dumb

All the former employees will be down and out
Every "LCBO" store will be shut down as a result
The rich get richer and all of this will fall between the cracks
So in order to survive, they will raise our "Provincial" tax

Then they buy up all these stores with "Ford" in full compliance
It just seems so obvious, it isn't rocket science
So if we just ignore him and just play wait and see
Years from now he and his pals will be enjoying a sauna where the "Science Centre" used to be!


Chris Reynolds