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LETTER: Pints or better services?

'It's no secret that Premier Ford seems more interested in fast-tracking the sale of beer into corner stores than addressing the pressing needs of Ontarians, such as affordable housing, properly funded public schools and daycare, and more than adequate public healthcare'
Beer Glasses
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Dear Editor,

I am writing to propose a simple and direct ballot box question for the next provincial election that cuts through the distractions and gimmicks of Premier Ford's Conservative government in Ontario.

It's no secret that Premier Ford seems more interested in fast-tracking the sale of beer into corner stores than addressing the pressing needs of Ontarians, such as affordable housing, properly funded public schools and daycare, and more than adequate public healthcare.

First, credit must be given to Premier Ford and local MPP Fedeli for their efforts in advancing the electric vehicle (EV) industry, particularly with the assistance of our federal government. This collaboration represents a positive step towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation sector.

However, it's crucial to recognize that while advancements in the EV industry are commendable, they should not overshadow the pressing issues facing Ontarians in areas such as healthcare, daycare, education, and affordable housing. These fundamental needs must remain at the forefront of our government's priorities to ensure the well-being and prosperity of all citizens.

Recent media reports suggest that Premier Ford may be considering an early provincial election. As citizens, we have a responsibility to ensure that our voices are heard and that our priorities are reflected in the policies of our government.

Therefore, I suggest the following question be posed to voters: "Do you believe Premier Ford's focus on making alcohol more accessible is more important than addressing the real needs of Ontarians, such as affordable housing, properly funded schools and daycare, and improved public healthcare services aka our public services?"

This ballot box question, succinctly encapsulated as "Pints or Better Services," serves as a stark reminder of the misplaced priorities of our current government. While Premier Ford may attempt to distract us with promises of convenience in accessing alcohol, we cannot forget the critical issues that impact the daily lives of Ontarians.

Affordable housing remains out of reach for many, our public schools and daycares are underfunded, and our public healthcare system is stretched to its limits. Instead of prioritizing the needs of the people, Premier Ford's government is fixated on initiatives like transforming Ontario Place into a private spa or building unnecessary highways on valuable farmland.

It's time for Ontarians to send a clear message to Premier Ford and his government: we demand better. We demand a focus on the issues that truly matter, the issues that affect the well-being and livelihoods of all Ontarians. Let's use our votes to prioritize "Better Services" over pints.

David Thompson
North Bay