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LETTER: Local hospital wait times are too long

'An Indian Immigrant couple with FLU symptoms said that it was far better in their third-world country of India. They left without attention after 8 hours'
Wait times displayed on a screen at the North Bay Regional Hospital

To the editor:

Good morning, sir, I found your contact info on and wanted to reach out to someone in the media about this.

I took my wife to the North Bay ER at 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon with a cardiac event. She has a diagnosed cardiac Issue.

Aside from a few brief checks on her vitals, we were there 12 hours before seeing an actual doctor.

This isn’t a Canadian Health care Issue, it’s a North Bay Issue when people run to Sturgeon Falls or Sudbury for care.

This was the sign in the ER waiting area, and many people after 8-10 hours left in despair without attention, some heading to Sturgeon Falls.

An Indian Immigrant couple with flu symptoms said that it was far better in their third-world country of India. They left without attention after 8 hours.


Name withheld on request.