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LETTER: LCBO should make more of its employees full time

'Remember for those who like to have choices the local LCBO will always have that compared to your corner store which will only carry a limited number of only the most popular brands'
Workers have settled their strike against the LCBO

To the editor:

LCBO employees are not overpaid but are paid a decent wage, unlike many other employers who pay the minimum or even less so these employees have to work 2 or 3 jobs to survive.

The one thing the LCBO should do is make more of their employees full-time when the hours prove it.

They have benefits that become so important as they get older - just go to the dentist or drug store for a prescription if that cost is coming out of your pocket !!

Also remember for those who like to have choices the local LCBO will always have that compared to your corner store which will only carry a limited number of only the most popular brands.

Hopefully, both can exist and maybe all will be happy.

David Colquhoun

Sturgeon Falls