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LETTER: Homeless are the new whipping posts of our society

'If the home-challenged end up camping downtown I will bring water and some fruit, and my toothless smile'
A homeless location off a local North Bay beach

Editor's note: Mr. Gray writes in response to the BayToday story King says homeless encampment at a public beach will not happen.


To the editor:

Wow hurricane season has hit North Bay early this summer.

Imagine home-challenged people in tents camping next to "the children." I remember the same statements made about busing students in the sixties.

You can not put those "people" next to our children on school buses.

Why are the most vulnerable in our community so disrespected in open public? I wonder if the homeless are the new whipping posts of our society, seems like yes.

If the home-challenged end up camping downtown I will bring water and some fruit, and my toothless smile.

The city needs to grow up and create something positive. Stop being afraid of the "dark".

Also, Shane has a bbq at 470 First Ave East every Sunday from 10 to 2. Bring an appetite. We had a 100 last week. Please stop by.

Gregory Gray

Homeless Advocates of North Bay

North Bay