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LETTER: Giving to the living better than the passed

One of the basic needs we have as human beings is food and water, and if a person does not have these necessities of life daily, break-ins, robberies, and escalated violence will occur at an alarming rate

To the editor:

Many citizens who live in North Bay and the surrounding area often tend to spend hundreds of dollars purchasing flowers in memory of a loved family member or a dear friend who has passed.

Why not spend this said money in memory of loved ones by helping those members in our shared community who suffer in silence without a good nutritional meal daily?

The Gathering Place for many years has provided those who struggle daily, offering and providing a good nourishing meal in an accepting loving atmosphere at the Gathering Place. If this social need (nourishing daily meal) is not met by our citizens now, the problems North Bay and area residents will experience a rapid increase in crime which will eventually have an increased negative effect on all persons throughout our community.

One of the basic needs we have as human beings is food and water, and if a person does not have these necessities of life daily, break-ins, robberies, and escalated violence will occur at an alarming rate.

Today, how do we collectively, as concerned citizens, help to address the financial crises that the Gathering Place is facing right now? My suggestion is a simple straightforward approach and one that can be easily implemented.

Instead of purchasing flowers for our loved ones who have passed away, why not in their loving memory, donate much-needed funds to the Gathering Place?

It seems in today’s world; our shared collective social consciousness has been somewhat erased due to a society based on greed and a me mentality. The time for change is right now, in my humble opinion, and it starts with each one of us connecting to a healthier more just social conscience.

Not to be too preachy, but it seems ‘The Beatitudes’ and the story of ‘the Widow’s Mite’ as found in the Good Book (the Bible) should be implemented and revisited in our shared community more often by all its members and put into action. Many of us can talk the talk, but actions always speak louder than mere words.

Let us as a caring community come together to help “The Gathering Place” in its time of financial need, which will benefit each of us as we journey into our shared tomorrows.

Food for thought and food for those who find themselves in need. Having a social conscience is a good thing when responding with action. The choice is always yours my fellow citizens, so why not step up to the plate and serve a ‘plate of food’ to those who struggle daily in this regard?

Sincerely a concerned citizen.
Daniel Bagley

North Bay