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LETTER: Canadians must band together to fight American economic warfare

Trump’s army of loyalists and sycophants are preparing to launch attacks on multiple fronts against Canada. Economic warfare in the form of tariffs is coming. The attacks will escalate in the next 4 years; I repeat. They will escalate. The truth is that there are troubled times ahead for Canadians
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To the editor:

Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere... Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem is about the American hero Paul Revere who, on April 18th, 1775, rode through the night to warn soldiers that “the British are coming, the British are coming.”

Our modern-day Paul Revere has manifested into many forms: the truth tellers within the Democrats, the legal community, and certain media outlets and journalists, to name a few. Revere began his ride 185 years later, on January 20th, 2025, immediately after the Trumpian inauguration. The chaos of office began with a flurry of destructive Presidential Emergency Orders. These orders now extend beyond America’s borders to once-allied nations like Canada; a leader who does not respect his own citizens will not respect Canadians.

It is imperative that Canadians clearly see and hear the dire warning. The chaos of office is echoed through media channels; “the Americans are coming, the Americans are coming.” Our Revere shows us the confusion of mind, hostility and falsehoods from the Oval Office; a room with no corners or guard rails. The 47th King of 2025 is like King George III of 1775—quixotic minds battling windmills thought to be giants.    

Trump’s army of loyalists and sycophants are preparing to launch attacks on multiple fronts against Canada. Economic warfare in the form of tariffs is coming. The attacks will escalate in the next 4 years; I repeat. They will escalate. The truth is that there are troubled times ahead for Canadians.

Canadians must prepare for battle. The government and citizens alike must put their financial houses in order; matters of economy matter critically now.

Canadians must band together. We need to support each other. Our provincial and federal leaders must sow seeds of unison not division. We must be resolute in our fight and help our fellow Canadians whenever, and wherever, possible.

We are Canadians—Strong and Free. We must defend our Canada from coast to coast to coast for “the Americans are coming, the Americans are coming.” No translation needed.

Frank Halderman

BA MA (Political Science) UBC 

SSHRCC Scholar 

Vancouver, BC