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North Bay Canoe club paddlers shine in Ottawa

'The athletes were on fire today and I couldn’t be more proud of all their strong performances'
Carson Vierich in action. Photo submitted.

The North Bay Canoe Club had a stellar day in Ottawa at the Eastern Ontario Division (EOD) and Ontario Summer Games (OSG) qualifiers on June 16.

Six athletes represented the club, with each achieving personal best times.

Coaches believe that is a remarkable feat this early in the competitive season.

The athletes included Carson Vierich, Wes Clouthier, Caleb Allingham, Evelyn Ross, Sophie Williams, and Caleb Kasch.

Men's Kayak Singles

Carson Vierich competed in the men’s kayak singles event, placing fourth overall. He shattered his personal best by 7 seconds, finishing the 500m K-1 event in 2:01, just shy of breaking the 2-minute mark. This outstanding performance secured his spot on the OSG team.

Caleb Kasch, a newcomer, also competed in the men’s kayak singles. He achieved a personal best of 2:20 and placed second in the B final, showcasing great promise despite being younger than many competitors.

Men's Canoe Singles

Wes Clouthier competed in the men’s canoe singles event, placing second overall. He achieved a new personal best time of 2:16. Caleb Allingham also competed in the men’s canoe singles, finishing fifth overall with a personal best of 2:28. Their hard work and dedication paid off, as they both secured a spot on the OSG team and will join fellow NBCC paddler Nathaniel Suppa on the EOD team at this year’s event.

Women's Canoe Singles

In the women’s canoe single (C-1) event, Evelyn Ross and Sophie Williams represented NBCC, placing 5th and 8th respectively. Both set personal bests, with Evelyn finishing in 2:44 and Sophie in 2:53. Evelyn improved her time by over 40 seconds from last year, securing a spot on the OSG team alongside fellow NBCC paddler Haley Sebesta at this year’s event. Sophie also showed significant improvement, trimming over  30 seconds off her previous best.

Dedication and Training

These athletes have been training 7-9 times weekly, both early mornings before and after school hours. Their dedication and hard work has clearly paid off.

“The athletes were on fire today and I couldn’t be more proud of all their strong performances,” stated Mihail Oghina. 

Oghina added, “This is the largest contingent of NBCC paddlers at the OSGs in many years. Two years ago, we had four athletes representing NBCC, and now we have six. We are growing, and other clubs are noticing our momentum. Several coaches congratulated us on our performances today.”

Looking Ahead

This coming weekend, several members of the team head to Montreal for the National Team Trials (NTT). This event offers these young athletes the opportunity to compete on the national stage, providing valuable learning experiences and the chance to refine their skills, both physically and mentally.