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Laurentian learning centre

Students were shown how problems can lead to opportunities and how to develop plans to capitalize on those opportunities.
2015 11 30 laurentian learning centre north bay
Laurentian Learning Centre

Last week Laurentian Learning Centre students and The Business Centre went to MaRS (Medical & Related Sciences) and CSI (Centre for Social Innovation) in Toronto for three days. Both of these institutions are known as entrepreneurial incubators that allow large and small entrepreneurs to develop their businesses and ideas.

While at MaRS and CSI, students were shown how problems can lead to opportunities and how to develop plans to capitalize on those opportunities. All participants were very receptive to the information being delivered and were able to recognize current opportunities in their lives.

At the Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) students were shown specifically how to develop innovations that improve our communities and our planet as a whole. To illustrate the concept of social innovation the team from 21 Toys (CSI Success) came in and helped develop student ideas to solve current social problems that exist in education. Students were very engaged and pleased that they were given an opportunity to provide ideas that could change their environment at school to improve their learning.

While in Toronto, students were also given time to visit Kensington Market and the University of Toronto. This trip was a great opportunity for students to understand that many options are available to students post secondary.

This experience would not have been possible without the very synergetic partnership that Laurentian has with The Business Centre.

This partnership has been active for the past year and continues to grow.