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Greens confirm attendance at local election debate

'The Permier's passive-aggressiveness towards the LGBTQ+ community is shocking'
20220404 Sean McClocklin, green party
Sean McClocklin, Green Party

The Premier has refused to engage with certain invitations extended politely to him - opportunities to express his views on LGBTQ+ rights - an issue that this Premier rarely broaches says local Green candidate Sean McClocklin.

“I am pleased to say that I will be jumping at this opportunity, to attend the debate hosted by Nipissing University, and moderated by North Bay Pride.” says Sean McClocklin.. “I strongly encourage all the other candidates to do the same.” 

The invitation has been extended to all the candidates, and they have one week to RSVP.

"This is an important opportunity for each party to connect with equity-seeking groups, and all people of Nipissing;  to hear their concerns and offer their options for improvement," added McClocklin.

"Local Election debates are important. An opportunity to connect with voters, to hear their concerns and share our solutions. That's why I m disappointed with the current Premier's decision to reject the invitation to the May 10th Leader's Debate, hosted by North Bay Pride. It seems like a missed opportunity to engage with a legitimate group of constituents.

"He'll be in North Bay anyways on the same day - for the FONOM Leader's Debate - which seems to also be missing the mark, by limiting their audience to those privileged enough to afford it.

"His passive aggressiveness towards the LGBTQ+ community is shocking, especially in 2022. For someone who says they are "For The People" one has to wonder who exactly "his people" are.," concluded McClocklin.