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What was I thinking, - What can a pop can do!

File Photo of Ellen Faulkner at Saturday's pop can blitz.

File Photo of Ellen Faulkner at Saturday's pop can blitz.

Habitat for Humanity North Bay and Blue Sky Region
News Release


Saturday April 05,2008, spearheaded by Sally Kidson and Ellen Faulkner, our Affiliate held an amazing ”POP CAN BLITZ at North Bay Mall and La Piaza Pizza in Callander to conclude this program fiscal year’s environmentally friendly aluminum pop can collection for the “Alcan Builds On Recycling Program”.

At this event on Saturday the total amount of pop cans received for recycling was 1,300 lbs x 33 (cans/lb) = 42,900 cans.

Pop cans collected for recycling the “Alcan Builds On Recycling Program” fiscal year ending April 2008 was a grand total of 11,119 lbs, or 366,927 cans
For 2008 total aluminum salvage return of……….$6,683.74
PLUS Alcan matching funds of……………. $2,500.00
Giving us a grand total of…………………. $9,183.74

Our Affiliate will know on May 2, 2008 at the Habitat for Humanity Annual General Meeting if we will win the “Alcan Builds On Recycling Program” funding of $60,000 for being among the top three Affiliates to collect the most aluminum pop cans across in Habitat for Humanity Canada.

We wish to thank all those Partners in the North Bay and Blue Sky Region for volunteering and for helping to make this possible. Because you collected pop cans and came out to help deliver them, together we are “building homes and building hope” as a community of people who care for each other.

A heartfelt thank you to all,
Ellen Faulkner,
Sub Committee Chair, Alcan Builds on Recycling Program
Habitat for Humanity North Bay and Blue Sky Region

PS: We are not finished - We are continuing to collect pop cans to recycle for the next fiscal year’s “Alcan Builds On Recycling Program”.
