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West Nile reporting line now open

North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit News Release ******************** The North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit has launched its dead bird reporting line for the 2008 West Nile virus season.

North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit
News Release


The North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit has launched its dead bird reporting line for the 2008 West Nile virus season. The dead bird reporting line accepts reports of dead ravens, crows and blue jays at 474-1400 or toll-free 1-800-563-2808, ext 2199. Though birds do not transmit West Nile Virus to people, these particular birds are very susceptible to this virus and would indicate that West Nile Virus is in our area.

The Health Unit would like to receive information on all sightings to track the number of birds over the season. Birds suitable for testing will be collected during regular business hours only. The collection of dead birds does not actually begin until May 27th.. In 2007, the Health Unit received reports of 110 dead birds of concern, and submitted 35 for testing; one was found to be positive.

Mosquito surveillance will begin in mid-May. If the species of mosquito that transmits WNV to humans is found in this district, testing will be done to determine if the virus is present in the mosquitoes. These data enable the medical officer of health and municipal leaders to make informed decisions on the use of larvicides.

In 2007 there were a total of 2,353 human West Nile virus cases in all of Canada, with the heaviest concentration in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. While Ontario recorded 13 human cases of West Nile virus last year, there were no cases documented in the North Bay and Parry Sound areas.

Peter Jekel, Director of Environmental Health, said “At this time of year, the best thing people can do to help minimize the potential threat of West Nile virus is to eliminate areas where mosquitoes can breed. That means cleaning up debris and standing water around homes and businesses.”

For more information, call the Health Unit at (705) 474-1400 or toll-free at 1-800-563-2808, or visit
