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Vrebosch calls seniors’ announcement suspicious

Bill Vrebosch,PC Candidate for Nipissing News Release ******************** After four years of neglect, the Ontario Homecare file is finally getting the attention it deserves from the McGuinty government.
Bill Vrebosch,PC Candidate for Nipissing
News Release


After four years of neglect, the Ontario Homecare file is finally getting the attention it deserves from the McGuinty government.

In 2006, Minister George Smitherman admitted in a publication called The Healthcare Quarterly, that, "one area where we haven't done our best work is our obligation to support people to age in place."

The article goes on to quote Minister Smitherman stating that, "he has yet to fully consider the necessary resources and policies that support people who live in the homes that they have known."

It's about time. Ontario can be a leader in developing policies that help seniors live their lives in their own homes as long as they are able. Services like housekeeping, shopping, recreation, and assisting seniors in many day-to-day activities is long overdue.

Smitherman is also quoted as saying, "that I really feel that our commitment to community care over the last three years has not seen our best public policy work,"

Personally, I'm elated that Mr. McGuinty has finally recognized his government's neglect of our seniors with this announcement, but, I find the timing of the announcement suspicious.

We have been waiting for the release of the strategy document dealing with this file for four years. Where have the McGuinty people been hiding and why is it appearing at election time?

Mr. McGuinty has been spending and promising millions of our taxpayer's dollars during this campaign knowing that he can't be criticized by the opposition parties in Parliament. He is playing with our money like someone who is betting on the stock market.

What will he do if Ontario has a bad year? Will he simply break another promise or will he simply tax us for his promises like he did with the Health Tax? This guy will say and do anything to try to buy votes at election time. Let's hope he is not simply using our seniors as an election gadget.
