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Veterans need help locally says Rota

Anthony Rota, Liberal candidate held a Town Hall meeting on Tuesday at Legion Br. 23 and heard that Canadian armed service veterans are having a hard time locally.

Anthony Rota, Liberal candidate held a Town Hall meeting on Tuesday at Legion Br. 23 and heard that Canadian armed service  veterans are having a hard time locally.

“As a Canadian and as an MP who travelled to Afghanistan on two occasions to support our troops, I know that Canada must improve services currently provided to our Veterans,” Rota said.

“Right now, here in North Bay and hundreds of communities across Canada, we have veterans going to soup kitchens, just like the Gathering Place, for a bowl of soup and a sandwich. There are cases of impoverished Veterans coming right here to Branch 23 and other Branches looking for some help, money, a meal and a room.

“In February, we hosted a similar meeting for Veterans and their Families and they made known their concerns and their frustration with the way they are being treated by Veterans Affairs Canada. Seven months have gone by since our last gathering  and precious little has changed for the Vets and the way they are treated.  Little wonder there’s a ‘Veterans Revolt’ under way.”