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Unsung Heroes

Raymond St. Louis eternally grateful blood recipient. Every time a person donates blood they are helping to save three lives, and every 56 days anyone can be a hero.

Raymond St. Louis eternally grateful blood recipient.

Every time a person donates blood they are helping to save three lives, and every 56 days anyone can be a hero.

The Canadian Blood Services (CBS) marked milestones in saving lives by celebrating the unsung heroes in North Bay and surrounding area for the continued support of this select group of routine donors.

A thank you dinner was held to thank the repeat blood donors who have donated 50 times, 100 times or better Thursday night at the Elk’s Club.

Carol Couture who recently marked a milestone by reaching her 100th donation shared her story of why she made the trek time and again to the blood clinic.

“My goal was to donate 100 times before retiring and I have now reached 103 donations and can retire in December.

“I have now set a lifetime goal of 125 donations.”

The donors heard recipients recount first hand how their selfless act of donating blood helped change the course of their lives.

Raymond St. Louis, the former proprietor of Aunt May’s Bakery, humbly told the group that he was standing before them as living proof of their efforts.

St. Louis had been battling Myelodysplasia, but in December at 72-years old was diagnosed with advanced Leukaemia and given 4-6 weeks to live, but thanks to blood transfusions he is going fishing next week.

“For me it (choosing blood transfusions over chemotherapy) was the right decision, as we are now in the month of May, and I am enjoying a relatively active lifestyle, as long as I function within the limits of my body.”

“I am a living example of the dedication of the Canadian Blood Services. Through the efforts of management, to assure there is an ample supply of blood and blood products,” St. Louis tells the room.

St. Louis thanked the staff, doctors and nurses of the CBS for their continued dedication in helping to save lives.

“I left the blood donors last for a very special reason, as last year I wrote an article to the paper and I have altered it to assist me in closing,” he says.

“Seldom when reading a paper of a magazine, do you find an article referring to individuals, who give freely of their time, honour their personal commitment, by donating their blood, which is to many of us, the gift of life.”

“I am one of many individuals who rely on this precious gift to survive, without it the future would look very bleak.”

St Louis continued by saying for those who have thought of donating blood he hoped his story would encourage people to follow through.

Each year in Canada less then five percent of Canadians donate blood, yet because of reliable repeat donors the CBS meets 99 percent of the need.