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Tory to run for seat in Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes riding

Ontario Progressive Conservative Party Leader John Tory News Release *********************** Lindsay - Ontario Progressive Conservative Party Leader John Tory made the following statement today: "You know, there is a special bond between those who pl
Ontario Progressive Conservative Party Leader John Tory
News Release


Lindsay - Ontario Progressive Conservative Party Leader John Tory made the following statement today:

"You know, there is a special bond between those who place their name on a ballot, submit themselves to the judgment of their neighbours, and run for public office, who know the long hours, who know what it's like to knock on tens of thousands of doors, who know the absence from loved ones.

"It is a sacrifice often beyond the comprehension of those who have never done it. To achieve public office is the greatest honour any of us can ever hope to achieve. And to give it up - well, it's extraordinary.

"Laurie, your selfless action is a measure of your character and of your lifelong commitment to the Progressive Conservative Party. I cannot begin to thank you enough.

"But, I promise, with your help, to represent the people of Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock with same dedication and sensitivity that you have. They deserve no less.

"I have already enjoyed the privilege of representing a largely rural and smaller town riding. I know the issues and possess a keen sense of the special challenges faced in areas like this.

"Mr. McGuinty has ignored the special needs of rural and smaller town Ontario. I will speak out and restore some respect, and to get some action for farmers, business people and community leaders who are just trying to make a living and follow a way of life that is as integral a part of this province's past and future as is the well-being of our larger cities.

"I will be making it a personal priority to get shovels in the ground on projects like four laning highway 35, and extending 404 and 407. The strength of the local economy is directly tied to action on projects like this and to the availability of high speed broadband service outside of the big towns. This too must be a priority, as is the continuing shortage of doctors.

"And I need Laurie on our team. My ability, both locally and provincially to do these jobs will be directly tied to Laurie's continuing presence as a key member of our team. Fortunately, Laurie has agreed to take on the enormous responsibility of Election Readiness Chair. I am delighted she has agreed to take on this crucial role and I am looking forward to expanding that mandate in the months ahead.

"For much of the past four years, many warned that Ontario's economy was at risk. Progressive Conservatives warned that if Ontario kept up its carefree, no plan, big spending ways, we would squander the advantage that has been ours as a province - built over generations - and the people would pay a steep price.

"Sadly, Mr. McGuinty ignored all of those warnings and here we sit today, far worse off than we had to be, with thousands and thousands of Ontarians losing their jobs, many farms and businesses on the edge, small towns struggling to stay alive.

"Under the McGuinty government, Ontario has gone from being the economic engine of Canada, driving jobs, growth and prosperity, to the caboose of Confederation. Under his government, we have become a "have not province." And what is the Premier's response? Mr. McGuinty tells us, quote, "we're gonna be okay."

"Now, I know that one premier in one province cannot solve a global economic crisis, but when every - and I mean every - world leader is taking immediate and often unprecedented action to address the economic turmoil, somehow, "we're gonna be okay" just doesn't cut it.

"Mr. McGuinty, I say this to you: That's not good enough. That's not a plan. That's not leadership. Where we need a sense of urgency, we get platitudes. Where we need hope seen in a real plan, we get paralysis. Where we need restraint, we get more taxes, more waste and more spending without results. But there's still time for action.

"Now more than ever, there is a need for a positive voice of fiscal responsibility and action to be heard on the floor of the provincial legislature. These are extraordinary times and they require an extraordinary response.

"Yes, I believe that the Premier should have acted sooner, but when it comes to the economy, we have to set aside our differences and seek a consensus in Ontario's interest. We are at our best when we work together.

"I pledge all my effort and that of my caucus and Party to help Ontario families, business and farmers get though these difficult times.

"During my time in public life I have made a genuine effort to take an honest and civilized approach at all times - an approach which explicitly recognizes that we are here to serve the public and not the other way around, an approach which places the wellbeing of Ontario and its residents first.

"I am looking forward to earning the trust of the people of this riding which will in turn allow me to resume my seat in the Legislature as Leader of the Official Opposition.

"I will be there to provide a voice for those who this government seems to have forgotten, including Ontario's rural and small town residents, to get some real action on the economy, to focus on getting some real results for people from their government, not just more talk, more taxes and more spending, to work together to advance the public interest and not just trying to advance a political agenda and to prepare to win and to govern, with sensible policies which can put Ontario back on top.

"The road back to a Progressive Conservative government, the road back to Ontario as a leader in Canada, begins here today in Lindsay. Laurie Scott has taken the first step to make that possible and I repeat my profound thanks to her."
