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There are speed limits on the trails!

North Bay Police News Release ******************* The Public is reminded that with the new snow conditions in the area, snowmobile’s operators are out using the trails in greater numbers.
North Bay Police
News Release


The Public is reminded that with the new snow conditions in the area, snowmobile’s operators are out using the trails in greater numbers. They are reminded that safe operation of their snowmobiles is their responsibility and there are speed limits posted on trails that must be adhered to for safety reasons. Access to Lake Nipissing and Trout Lake is restricted to posted access points and only these streets may be used for the operation of snowmobiles for direct access to and from the lake. Operation of snowmobiles on the lakes is restricted within 500 feet of any shoreline.

Impaired operation of snowmobiles carries the same penalties as operators of motor vehicles on the highways.

North Bay Police, in partnership with the Northeast Region OPP will be conducting snowmobile patrols for the duration of the snowmobiling season.
