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The Gathering Place Puts Out A May Day Call

May is half way over and the Gathering Place is just over a quarter of the way to the May Days goal of $40,000 and the committee is now putting on the eleventh hour push.
May is half way over and the Gathering Place is just over a quarter of the way to the May Days goal of $40,000 and the committee is now putting on the eleventh hour push.

A number of events are planned to take the soup kitchen fundraiser to the end of the month. The Country Hoe-Down" Fun-Raiser Dinner & Silent Auction is on Wednesday at the Davedi Club at 7 p.m. and tickets are $30.00 per person and are available at The Gathering Place, Demarco's and Gulliver's Quality Books & Toys.

Full details are contained in the release below.


The Gathering Place has raised $14,500.00 of its $40,000.00 goal during May Days Fund-Raising month, with numerous activities planned for the remainder of the month.

This week, a "Country Hoe-Down" Fun-Raiser Dinner & Silent Auction will take place on Wednesday, May 17 at the Davedi Club beginning with cocktails at 6 p.m. A chicken and ribs dinner will begin at 7 p.m., followed by dancing, Silent Auction and a Raffle for a futon. Live music will be provided by Klassic Kountry. The Gateway Gliders Square Dancing Club will give a lively interactive demonstration. Tickets are $30.00 per person and are available at The Gathering Place, Demarco's and Gulliver's Quality Books & Toys.

On Saturday, May 27 a fund-raising Barbecue and Garage Sale, sponsored by the DIA, will take place at the Westminster Clock, beside Guardian Drugs. The Garage Sale will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until 3 p.m. The Barbecue will begin at 11 a.m. and conclude at about 2 p.m. Anyone wishing to make a contribution to the Garage Sale may drop off items at The Gathering Place after 2 p.m. on Friday, May 26th.

May Days will wrap up on Wednesday, May 31 with a special Corporate/Business Donation and Recognition Breakfast. From 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., the Fox's Mitch and Leeanne will host a live breakfast show at The Gathering Place, 392 Algonquin Ave. Breakfast and desert crepes will be served to our generous donors, as we anticipate a successful conclusion to our May Days festivities.

Previous May Days activities this month included a Bake Sale, Penny Sale, City Hall Barbecue and Car Wash.
