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Substance abuse programs receive increases

The Ontario government is improving withdrawal management services in Nipissing, MPP Monique Smith says.
The Ontario government is improving withdrawal management services in Nipissing, MPP Monique Smith says.

Further information is included in the following news release from Smith's office:

NORTH BAY – The McGuinty government is investing $62,232 in withdrawal management and substance abuse services in Nipissing to help put Ontarians dealing with addiction on the road to recovery, Nipissing MPP Monique Smith announced on behalf of Health and Long-Term Care Minister George Smitherman.

“Substance addiction is a very serious disease that requires specialized treatment,” said Smith.

“We’re investing in Ontario’s substance abuse treatment programs because we recognize the importance of making treatment available to those who need help.”

Today’s announcement is part of a province-wide $4 million investment that builds on the government’s $106 million annual investment to provide withdrawal management and substance abuse treatment to over 125,000 Ontarians.

In Nipissing, that funding includes:

Facility Funding Increase
North Bay General Hospital $43,829
Half-Way House $10,550
Community Counselling Centre of
Nipissing $7,853
TOTAL $62,232

“Drug and alcohol abuse tears apart lives and families,” added Smitherman. “We are determined to provide those in need with the right care, in their communities where it will do the most good.”

“Investing in substance abuse treatment is a tremendous benefit to those in need of proper care,” said Lisa McCool-Philbin, Executive Director of the Community Counselling Centre of Nipissing.

“This announcement helps people with an addiction access the services they need in Nipissing.”

Withdrawal management services provide a program of detoxification from drugs and alcohol, as well as assessments to help people with substance abuse problems access the treatment and counseling that best suit their specific needs.

Substance abuse programs provide assessment, referral, community based counseling and residential treatment services. Many clients use both alcohol and other drugs and are more likely to have co-occurring mental health problems.

“It is encouraging to see the Government of Ontario investing in strategies to lessen the huge impact of substance abuse to the Ontario economy.

In 1992 alone the cost of addictions to Ontario was estimated at over $7 billion,” said David Kelly, Executive Director of the Ontario Federation of Community Mental Health and Addiction Programs.

“By investing now and in the future, addiction services will help the government achieve its goals of transforming the health system, move needed services to the community and slow the rising costs of health care. Addiction services work, they make a difference to people and it is important that Ontario has recognized that.”

Today’s announcement is part of the McGuinty government’s comprehensive plan to improve health care in Ontario. It’s a plan that includes reducing wait times for key procedures, creating Family Health Teams, increasing the number of doctors and nurses, and investing heavily in community-based health care in order to ease the pressure on hospitals and deliver care where patients need it most –closer to home.