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Sprucing up the city

Tree North Bay News Release ******************** Tree North Bay and TD Friends of the Environment have partnered up to plant trees again around our community. Saturday, September 29 they will be planting about 25 small trees around town.
Tree North Bay
News Release


Tree North Bay and TD Friends of the Environment have partnered up to plant trees again around our community.

Saturday, September 29 they will be planting about 25 small trees around town. Following the planting of over 129 trees in the Spring, Tree North Bay and TD Friends of the Environment hope to keep up the tree planting around town on an ongoing basis.

In addition to being beneficial to the environment, trees simply add to the attractiveness of an area and provide long lasting benefits to the air we breathe and community we enjoy. Early Fall is still seen as an ideal time to plant young saplings so the roots can settle in and be ready to grow quickly in the Spring.

If you know of a location that could use a tree to "spruce up" an area and provide future shade, or if you would like to help out with the tree planting, please contact Chris Mayne, Tree North Bay Chair, at 474 1532.
