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Section of Main Street West to be closed till the end of September

A section of bike lanes will connect Gormanville Road to the Main Street West intersection and link up with the west end of the Kate Pace Way on Memorial Drive

A heavily used section of roadway will be closed until the end of September to allow construction of the West Link multi-use pathway.

A section of Main Street West between Gormanville Road and Nipissing Street will be closed until approximately the end of September.

That section is often used by hospital. university and college users as a way to access the Ferris area of the city.

The project started this week and includes two-way sections of multi-use pathway separated from the road by a curb. Also, a section of bike lanes will connect Gormanville Road to the Main Street West intersection and link up with the west end of the Kate Pace Way on Memorial Drive.

A new signalized pedestrian/cyclist crossing near Timmins Street will also be included.

Traffic will be detoured around the work site while Main Street West is closed via Gormanville Road, Jane Street, and Nipissing Street.

The section is anticipated to be completed by the end of the year, weather permitting. This project represents the final piece of a recreational pathway connecting the north and south ends of the City. 

More information about the project, including diagrams of the overall plan and the various sections, click here.


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