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Prime Minister's Statement on Death of Captain Goddard

Captain Nichola Goddard, the first Canadian female soldier to die in Afghanistan, has Northern Ontario connections. She was the grandaughter of Sault Ste. Marie internist Dr. Michael West and his wife Kathy. Capt.
Captain Nichola Goddard, the first Canadian female soldier to die in Afghanistan, has Northern Ontario connections. She was the grandaughter of Sault Ste. Marie internist Dr. Michael West and his wife Kathy.

Capt. Goddard was born in New Guinea in 1980.

The following statement was issued today by Prime Minister Stephen Harper:

Statement by Prime Minister Stephen Harper on the death of Captain Nichola Goddard in Afghanistan

May 17, 2006 - Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper released the following statement on the death earlier today of Captain Nichola Kathleen Sarah Goddard during a significant operation in support of Afghan authorities west of Kandahar City:

"On behalf of all Canadians, I wish to express our profound regret and sadness at news of the death of Captain Nichola Goddard.

Captain Goddard died while helping to bring peace, stability and democracy to a troubled region of the world.

She, and the other men and women who serve in Afghanistan, are involved in a difficult and dangerous mission.

They are serving our country and its people with distinction.

Our nation will not forget their sacrifice.

I wish to extend our deepest condolences to Captain Goddard's family, friends, and co-workers - particularly those at her home base of 1 Royal Canadian Horse Artillery (1 RCHA) in Shilo, Manitoba.

Our thoughts and prayers are with them and with the families and loved ones of all those serving in Afghanistan."
