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Pick up after yourselves and your dogs in Laurier Woods and 'leave only your footprints behind'

'We have seen a large increase in the number of users...and the majority of them are responsible users'
2021 04 26 Laurier Woods (Courtesy Bill Hagborg)
The trails through Laurier Woods have been receiving some TLC from a dedicated group of volunteers — the Friends of Laurier Woods.

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the daily routines of many as we find ourselves with more free time on our hands and fewer outlets to burn off some excess energy.

With gyms, pools, golf courses, playing fields and other physical recreation amenities closed amid a stay-at-home order slated to last well into May, already popular local outdoors destination Laurier Woods Conservation Area is experiencing a dramatic uptick in visitors.

Friends of Laurier Woods Board President Fred Pinto confirms, "We have seen a large increase in the number of users of LWCA. Garbage bins are now emptied three times a week rather than once a week."

Pinto adds, "Users have been following self-distancing rules and the majority of them are responsible users."

The majority. It only takes a few maverick trail goers to ruin the experience for others.

Laurier Woods volunteers have taken to appealing to the public's sense of duty to keep the trails tidy by leaving "only your footprints behind," while enjoying the conservation area's natural beauty.

"As public health officials encourage people to get out and enjoy a walk during these stressful times, we remind you to respect social distancing (at least 1.5 meters between people) poop and scoop and keep your dogs on a leash. Thank you for your understanding." 

See related story from our archives: Holy crap!

And: Practice social distancing while on trails asks Conservation Authority, and clean up after your dog

Much of the maintenance work is done by volunteers and members of the board of directors, that most recently has been keeping busy repairing the trail system. "We cannot hold group workdays so we do our work individually or as family units," Pinto shares.

Friend of Laurier Woods, Bill Hagborg, posted a photo (see above) this week of the fruits of the team's labour and reminded, "All of the work is being done by hand so that soil disturbance is minimized. The wood chips are moved by a wheelbarrow...Keep your pets on a leash and pick up after them. Keep your bike on the trails. Thank you."

These days, Pinto says Laurier Woods is "coming alive with migratory birds arriving every few days. The frogs and salamanders are laying their eggs in woodland pools. Mammals are having their babies. It is wonderful to hear the sounds of nature especially early in the morning and at sunset." 

Located in the heart of the city, Laurier Woods Conservation Area encompasses a provincially significant wetland, rocky outcrops and upland forest. The objective of this 250-acre conservation area is to protect nature, Pinto observes. This means keeping the area as natural as possible. Laurier Woods is located between Lake Nipissing and Trout Lake and many types of migratory wildlife moving from their winter homes to their breeding habitat in the north stop in Laurier Woods to feed and rest.

Visitors seeking access to the 10-kilometre plus trail network are asked to park in the main entrance parking lot located at the end of Brule Street. The secondary entrance at the end of Laurier Avenue has very limited parking.

Laurier Woods is owned and managed in partnership by The Friends of Laurier Woods and the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority. Interested in helping out with the Friends of Laurier Woods? You can contact them via their Facebook group here.

Stu Campaigne

About the Author: Stu Campaigne

Stu Campaigne is a full-time news reporter for, focusing on local politics and sharing our community's compelling human interest stories.
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