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Phone Scam Warning

A concerned reader has given BayToday the heads up that a potential telephone scam is underway targeting North Bay and area. The call is received with the Caller ID blocked.
A concerned reader has given BayToday the heads up that a potential telephone scam is underway targeting North Bay and area.

The call is received with the Caller ID blocked. A female recorded voice advises that you have won an all-inclusive Cancun vacation and to press "0" to claim the prize. The action of pressing "0" may lead to a per minute long distance toll charged to your bill and quite possibly even though the phone was disconnected immediately the billing may be ongoing (unless you don't press "0").

Bell Canada has advised anyone receiving such a call not to press "0", to hang up and to contact Bell immediately.

Our reader has alerted Phonebusters, but thought our readers should be alerted to the fact the city appears to have been targeted.