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One man’s junk is another man’s treasure

Mattawa Figure Skating Club News Release ********************** On Saturday May 2 and Sunday May 3, 2008 the Mattawa Figure Skating Club in cooperation with the Town of Mattawa will be hosting a Community Yard Sale Fundraiser.
Mattawa Figure Skating Club
News Release


On Saturday May 2 and Sunday May 3, 2008 the Mattawa Figure Skating Club in cooperation with the Town of Mattawa will be hosting a Community Yard Sale Fundraiser.

We all understand the importance of recycling and reusing and with the elimination of the “free landfill day” provided by the town ... what do we do with all that stuff we are no longer using? Well in an effort to save our landfill site the Mattawa Figure Skating Club has the answer "Don’t Throw it out-Donate It.”

That's right “One Man’s Junk is another Man’s Treasure" and here's your chance to donate your unwanted items to a worthy cause. All items for donation can be brought to the Mike Rodden Community Center or call Karen at 744-0706 or Lucie at 744-0222 for pick up.

We are also renting space at $25.00 for those who would like to sell their own belongings for profit.

Our event will be a great way to reach a lot of people under one roof. Come out and support our efforts to raise money for the Mattawa Figure Skating Club while saving our landfill site and keeping our community clean and Enviro-Friendly.
