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More charges for Mattawa business man

OPP News Release ************************ North Bay OPP has laid additional charges against a Mattawa business man after an investigation was launched relating to the burial of a Calvin Twp man in September 2007.
OPP News Release


North Bay OPP has laid additional charges against a Mattawa business man after an investigation was launched relating to the burial of a Calvin Twp man in September 2007.

The investigation lead police to more than one local cemetery where the cremated human remains contained in a number of graves were disinterred, identified and properly interred.

As a result of the ongoing investigation to date, the North Bay OPP Crime Unit have charged Timmy Lynn Smith, 48 years old, owner/operator of Smith Funeral Home of Mattawa, Ontario, with:

1. Neglect of Duty regarding Dead Body – Sec 182(a) C.C. – 15 Counts
2. Indignity to a Dead Body – Sec 182(b) C.C. – 15 Counts
3. Fraud Under $5000.00 – Sec 380(1) C.C. – 5 Counts
4. Utter Forged Document – Sec 368(1) C.C. - 12 counts

SMITH will appear on January 8, 2008 at 9:30 a.m., North Bay Court House.
