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Money For Amelia

Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre has received $11,381 dollars in funding from the McGuinty Government to help women in Nipissing who are survivors of sexual assault.
Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre has received $11,381 dollars in funding from the McGuinty Government to help women in Nipissing who are survivors of sexual assault.

Nipissing MPP Monique Smith released a statement today stating the grant will help provide public education, training and facility improvements so that the centre can serve the areas vulnerable women better.

It has been more than 13 years since annual funding has been increased for sexual assault centres

Full details contained in the release below.


The McGuinty government is providing Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre with a grant in the amount of $11,381 to help women in Nipissing who have experienced sexual assault, announced Nipissing MPP Monique Smith.

“Sexual Assault Prevention Month is a time to renew our resolve to do everything we can to help the victims of abuse,” said Smith.

“This grant will help provide public education, training and facility improvements so the Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre can better help vulnerable women.”

The McGuinty government provided the first annual funding increase to sexual assault centres in 13 years and makes a yearly investment of $12.5 million. The government is also investing in a $4.9 million public education and prevention campaign aimed at mobilizing communities to play an active role in ending all forms of violence against women.

“We are delighted to have received this grant,” said the Centre’s Director Donna-lee Iffla. “It has allowed us to provide training for staff members on trauma, and it has funded our RESPECT Project Coordinator to attend crucial meetings in Kashechewan, Attiwapiskat and Moosonee, as we develop training and support services for our colleagues in those remote and troubled communities.”

“Our government is committed to reducing and preventing all forms of violence against women,” said Sandra Pupatello, Ontario’s Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues. “If a woman does become victim to this horrific crime, she has the right to timely, sensitive treatment and support within her own community.”

“The Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre and its dedicated staff and volunteers provide a valuable service,” said Smith. “This grant will allow them to reach out to more women with appropriate programs and services, and to offer them the support they need to rebuild their lives.”

Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre now operates out of their new space in the City Centre at 101 Worthington St. E. Suite 11.