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Mending broken hearts

Mending Broken Hearts Media Release ******************** Diane Marshall, M. Ed.
Mending Broken Hearts
Media Release


Diane Marshall, M. Ed., RMFT, Clinical Director of the Institute of Family Living, Toronto, will be the keynote speaker at The Mending Broken Hearts Conference April 13-14, 2007 at the main campus Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario. Ms. Marshall will speak on “Dealing With Burdened Isolation” and “Vocational Conversations”.

Other speakers who will conduct interactive workshops include:

The Rev. Marie Loewen, Christ Church, North Bay – “How Do We Say And Pray Our Good-Byes?”

Dr. Michael White, Couples Therapist/Stress Management & Post Traumatic Stress Consultant, Sudbury - “How Do We Grieve Together?”

Sharon Gernon, B.A./M.T.A., Gernon & Gernon, Consulting and Counselling Services, Toronto - “Messy Grief”

The Rev. Richard White, Northern Lights Anglican Parish, Cobalt, Englehart, Charlton – “Where is God When We Grieve?”

On Friday, April 13 addresses and workshops will run from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and on Saturday, April 14, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch will be provided on Saturday. Sessions will be followed by a question and answer panel.

We all grieve many times during our lifetimes, so many local and regional sponsors have been only too happy to support this important conference.

The Conference Cost is $50 per person before March 31 and $58 after March 31. All adults are welcome. All registrations must be submitted by

April 4. For complete information or to register please contact Ramona Furst 705-497-9406 or visit the website
