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May Days Fundraiser Closing In on Goal

The Gathering Place is better than three-quarters into the third annual May Days campaign and closing in on their $40,000 goal.
The Gathering Place is better than three-quarters into the third annual May Days campaign and closing in on their $40,000 goal.

To date the total raised is $24,500 and heading into the homestretch the fundraising committee is calling on the public to support the Barbecue and Garage Sale at the Westminster Clock on Saturday, May 27.

The Garage Sale begins at 9 a.m. and the barbecue will take place from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Full details contained in the release below.


The third annual May Days fundraiser for The Gathering Place, North Bay’s Community Soup Kitchen, continues to move steadily towards its goal.

Heading into the final weekend of the event, organizers have collected $24,500, well on our way to achieving our $40,000. goal.

Our second annual Country Hoedown was a highly successful event, raising $6,500.

This Saturday, May Days organizers will celebrate with downtown merchants with a Barbecue and Garage Sale. Look for us near the Westminster Clock on Saturday, May 27. The Garage Sale begins at 9 a.m. and the barbecue will take place from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.

May Days, a month-long fundraiser to generate operating funds for the city’s soup kitchen will wrap up on Wednesday, May 31 with a morning show broadcast live from The Gathering Place from 7 until 9 a.m. The show will be hosted by Mitch and Leeanne of Fox Radio. Business and corporate donors are welcome to join us at our Donor Recognition Breakfast as they head off for work. Youth from the parishes of St. Vincent de Paul and Saints-Anges will prepare and serve breakfast and dessert crepes to the many generous supporters of The Gathering Place.

The Gathering Place is experiencing an extremely busy record-breaking month this May. Volunteers at The Gathering Place have served more than 100 meals on ten days so far this month. On Tuesday, May 23 we served 139 meals, a record for meals served on a single day since the opening of The Gathering Place in September of 2003.

Keeping up with the food demands placed on the kitchen on high traffic days such as these, are made possible through the generous support of our many donors.

Local businesses and companies are encouraged to support our “Food For A Day” Program with a $250. contribution, which operates the kitchen for one full day.
