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Make your resolution to save a life this year

Canadian Red Cross News Release ******************** Your toddler is taking a bath. He looks safe, so you leave the room for just a minute. When you return, he’s face down in the water, not moving.
Canadian Red Cross
News Release


Your toddler is taking a bath. He looks safe, so you leave the room for just a minute. When you return, he’s face down in the water, not moving. What would you do?

Injuries and emergencies like this one occur every day, and often in the home. This year, the Canadian Red Cross suggests a different type of new year’s resolution: learn how to save a life by taking a first aid and CPR course.

“Our courses teach comprehensive first aid and CPR techniques using multimedia resources and lots of hands-on practice, which helps participants retain the skills they learn,” says Lacey Richmond, first aid coordinator for the North Bay branch of the Canadian Red Cross.

The Red Cross offers all levels of first aid and CPR training. For younger family members, the branch offers the Babysitters course, which targets youth ages 11 to 15 years.

“The person you are most likely to give first aid to is someone you know,” says Richmond. “Even if you’ve never taken a course before, there’s no better time than now.”

Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death for Canadians between the ages of 1 and 44. In most Canadian cities, the average ambulance response time is more than eight minutes, but for someone who is injured, immediate first aid can make the difference between complete recovery and permanent disability.

For over 50 years, the Canadian Red Cross has been a leader in first aid and CPR training. Over 470,000 Canadians receive training each year, gaining the knowledge, confidence and skills to deal with emergency situations and prevent injuries. For information on first aid, CPR or other courses in your area, visit, or call the North Bay Branch Office at 705-472-5760 ext. 132.
