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Long Weekend For The Kids

Once again the Near North School Board and its Occasional Teachers have failed to reach an agreement, with talks breaking off earlier this afternoon.

Once again the Near North School Board and its Occasional Teachers have failed to reach an agreement, with talks breaking off earlier this afternoon.

The Occasional Teachers have decided to strike once again Monday, which has the board cancelling elementary classes for Monday.

Full details are contained in the release below.


The following is an excerpt from a letter sent to parents today, May 12, 2006:

“On Thursday, May 11, 2006, our elementary schools were closed due to the withdrawal of services by our occasional teachers. Today, [in a meeting with the Union] an attempt was made to find a resolution to the strike. It did not happen. Unfortunately, the Board’s request to settle the dispute through arbitration was rejected.

The Union has informed us that they will be on strike Monday, May 15, 2006. Once again, we are convinced that we will not be able to provide sufficient supervision or a satisfactory instructional environment for all of our students in all of our schools if we remain open on Monday. As a result, all elementary schools will be closed for students on Monday, May 15, 2006. We trust advance notice may help you make day care arrangements. School buses for elementary students will not be running. There is a possibility that the job action could be extended and schools could be closed for additional days. Please consider what further plans you will need to make, should this happen.”

The Board will continue to monitor the situation. Media outlets will be contacted with any information about whether or not our schools will be open on Tuesday, May, 16 2006.

Once again, the Board regrets having to take this step. Our obvious preference would be to have students at school in order to pursue their learning goals with staff.
