Georgia Waye is hoping to win the Candance "Most Photogenic" contest. Photo courtesy Saylor-Rose Weaver Photography.
A local performer with the Barbara Treleaven School of Dance has been nominated TOP 10 Most Photogenic nationally with the Candance Dance Competition.
Georgia Waye, age 9, from Ecole St. Raymond, hopes to take top spot when the award is given to the nominee with the most votes during the Awards Ceremony in Orlando Fl. in July. Candance is a competition that is held across Canada.
"I like dancing because I thought it would be fun, and so I got into it when I was two years old, and I really like it now so I started to do competitive," she told BayToday. "The competitions are really fun. I like to dance from my heart."
And she's enthusiastic about the most photogenic contest.
"If I win I might get a crown and be on the Candance posters that they show at the competitions. My friends love it and keep on voting for me," she added.
But to win she needs your help...she needs votes!
Voting is unlimited and you can vote at Voting closes June 30.
The winner will be announced at Candance Nationals in Orlando July 5.
The winner will be given the opportunity to be the face of the Candance ad campaign next season.
Georgia doing one of her dance moves. Photo courtesy Expressions Photography.
Georgia is in her fourth year of dancing with the Performers, says her dad George. "The Performers do jazz, ballet --- all kinds of dancing. She does four competitions a year.
"We were at the Candance competition in Ottawa a couple of months ago where Georgia competed with her solo and group dances. She came in first place for her solo and her group came first in their division. Georgia did seven or eight dances at the competition."
At Candance's competition in Orillia in Early May, Georgia finished first in her category with her solo and won a special judge's award for "Natural Performer".
The "Most Photogenic" is a side competition.
"It's basically an opportunity to represent Candance in their literature and on their posters for next year, so they're looking for someone to be the face of Candance."