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Library reopens children's section Updated

It was a 22 -year wait for new carpet and a fresh coat of paint. But with the assistance of Lyn Vuorimaki's company the Stylish Interiors Group, the North Bay Public Library Children’s Department now has a sleek new look.

It was a 22 -year wait for new carpet and a fresh coat of paint.

But with the assistance of Lyn Vuorimaki's company the Stylish Interiors Group, the North Bay Public Library Children’s Department now has a sleek new look.

Library chair Jan Perfect told that the remodeling is part of the 5 year plan to update the building and one of those important things that needed to happen.

“It had been 22 years since the department had been updated and it was looking sad. Now it is warm, exciting and clean looking.”

Vuorimaki said it had taken her only one month to come up with the concept.

"I was looking for a design that would allow kids a clean and creative area,” she said.

“I spoke with Nora about freshness, colour and warmth. We new parents wanted a new space were the kids are safe but a place that was not too juvenile for the older primary kids, so we looked for a happy medium.”

With school libraries virtually non-existent the North Bay Public Library has become an important hub for city residents. The library on average has about 3000 daily transactions and sees about 500 people through the doors every day, so the environment needs to be safe and clean explained Paul Walker Library CEO.

“We are one of the first places new people come to when they move to North Bay,” Walker said. “Moms come to see what the library is like just as they look at the playgrounds and the new neighbourhood so we need to keep the area safe for our people.”

“We are an older library so we have different and deeper references for university and college students. We also have free internet service that allows us to keep up with the times while offering an exciting fresh approach to access to information,” said Walker.

Not only is the CEO proud of how the new area looks Walker is pleased to announce that the project is under budget. Something the Library consistently meets staying within budget.

“With the climate being what it is around the ABCs I proud to say we always meet budget. For 20 years we have not had a deficit,” states Walker. “My job is to fulfill the mandate, run the library, keep the staff happy and come in on budget.”

Board Chair Jan Perfect also echoed Walker’s comments about the responsibility of managing the communities dollars allotted.

“We have a clear message that our board is responsible, few departments are. This is ongoing and we are consistently on or under budget.”