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Hey kids Tri this

Olmstead Beach will be alive with activity this summer, as kids from the area take part in the first ever “North Bay Kids Tri” triathlon on June 28th.
Olmstead Beach will be alive with activity this summer, as kids from the area take part in the first ever “North Bay Kids Tri” triathlon on June 28th.

Race convener Mike Burk told the group gathered at the YMCA for the launch of the Kids Tri that the annual Nipissing Kiwanis Club Triathlon, a fundraiser for the local club, was dealt a blow last year when they learned that no one under 15 years of age could participate in the event.

“For many teams we lost our swimmers,” he explains.

“Most adults can do the run and bike parts of the race but find the swim leg of the race challenging, so in the past they have had help from the kids many who compete on swim teams.”

Instead of feeling defeat the club saw this as an opportunity to make the weekend a family event.

“This was the perfect opportunity to introduce triathlon to kids in North Bay,” states race co-chair, Noreen Yeates.

“It is a great sport to learn at an early age.”

Race organisers also noted that they are committed to opening the sport up to everyone and that they are working to with several agencies to provide equipment to kids who may not be able to participate due to financial challenges.

“We want to get the word out that this is something that can be fun and good for you,” says Yeates.

The event is open to kids aged 6 to15 with four different divisions featured and 7-year-old Megan Cundari told the crowd why she will be participating in her first triathlon.

“I like running with my dad, swimming at my Nanna’s lake and I just learned how to ride on 2 wheels … put all 3 together and Ta Da, it makes a triathlon.”

“I always wanted to do a triathlon so I watch my dad’s triathlons and it looks like fun and now I want to sign up to do my own.”

“Last year I did a 2k trail run and I had a lot of fun, now I am going to try my first triathlon in June. I hope I make some new friends while I am there,” she adds.

Registration cost is $25 for those aged 6 to 9 and $30 for those 12 to 15. To register go to or contact Mike Burke by email at [email protected] or call 705-752-1659.