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Health Canada Warning Could Save Your Toddler's Life

NEWS RELEASE HEALTH CANADA ********************** Warning - Canadians urged to protect young children from strangulation hazard associated with curtain and window blind cords OTTAWA, May 15 - Health Canada is again urging the Canadian public to prote


Warning - Canadians urged to protect young children from strangulation hazard associated with curtain and window blind cords

OTTAWA, May 15 - Health Canada is again urging the Canadian
public to protect young children from the strangulation hazard posed by cords on blinds, curtains and other window coverings.

This has been prompted by two recent deaths, one in Manitoba and another in Quebec.

Health Canada strongly recommends that blind and curtain pull-cords and bead-chains be kept out of the reach of young children because they pose a dangerous strangulation hazard.

Hazards associated with corded window covering products can be mitigated by acting on the following:

- many horizontal blinds, shades, and curtains have pull-cords that form continuous loops; these cords should be cut to form two separate cords to eliminate the dangerous loop which can strangle a child

- furthermore, when the blind, shade or curtain is fully down or fully closed, all pull-cords should be cut as short as possible. The cords must then be secured out of the reach of children by wrapping them around a cleat or hook secured high on the wall, or by holding the wrapped cord up high with a big twist tie or clip [shown]

- tension devices should be used with window coverings with looped bead-chains. These devices safely secure the bead-chain flush to the wall, making it inaccessible to children

- dangerous loops can also be formed by the inner-cords of window coverings - the inner-cords are those which run through the slats of the blind. Inexpensive safety devices, called cord stops, are available to stop loops from forming in these inner-cords

- cord and bead-chain safety devices are supplied with many new window coverings, and they are available from some department, hardware, and window covering stores to retrofit older window covering products

- the most critical safety measure is to always keep pull-cords and bead-chains high and out of the reach of children, or secured with a tension device

The location of furniture in the home also has an impact on the safety of corded window covering products.

Cribs, children's beds and playpens should never be placed near windows or patio doors that are equipped with corded window coverings.

This is to avoid the possibility of the cord dangling within the child's reach, resulting in entanglement and strangulation.

Sofas, chairs, tables and other furniture should never be placed near windows fitted with corded window coverings, as children can climb onto or jump from the furniture and reach the cords.

It is also important that these safety precautions are taken in the homes of friends and family members where a child is visiting.

Children have died when they have been strangled by window blind or curtain cords during visits.

To assist in minimizing the hazards associated with these products, Health Canada has produced a demonstration video which depicts the actions people may take to keep the cords out of the reach of young children.

Also available is a static window cling that will serve as a reminder that window covering cords must not be left dangling.

The window cling is to be placed on windows fitted with corded window coverings.

The video may be viewed on line and the window clings ordered from Health Canada's Blinds and Window Cords web
Free safety kits containing inner-cord stops, tassels, tie-down devices and a safety brochure with instructions are available from the Window Covering Safety Council ( by calling 1-800-506-4636 or visiting their website.

For additional safety information on window blind and curtain cords, please visit Health Canada's Blinds and Window Cords web page or call 1-866-662-0666.