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Funding for Smoke-Free Ontario

The North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit will receive funding from the province to support enforcement on the new Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy.
The North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit will receive funding from the province to support enforcement on the new Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy.

The Health Unit has been granted $416,365 for the enforcement officers under the new law as well as enhancing youth prevention programs.

Full details contained below.


The North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit announced today that they will receive $416,365 in provincial funding under the new Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy to support enforcement of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act which comes into effect on May 31, 2006, as well as to enhance youth prevention programs.

Dr. Catherine Whiting, medical officer of health said, “This funding will help us to protect the health our communities by enforcing the Smoke-Free Ontario Act in all public places and workplaces, including restaurants, bars, school property, private clubs, sports arenas and work vehicles.”

The funds under the new Smoke-Free Ontario strategy will support 100% provincial funding for tobacco enforcement officers employed by the health unit. Tobacco enforcement officers will be responsible for enforcing the new smoking bans and laws against tobacco sales to minors.

Other funds will go towards the development of a Youth Action Alliance to involve youth in tobacco control activities.

All communities in the North Bay Parry Sound district will now be protected from second hand smoke under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act. The new Act also includes tougher laws against selling tobacco to minors and will restrict the display of tobacco products.

For more information about the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, contact the health unit at 1-800-563-2808 or (705) 474-1400, or visit the website at
