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Clue left at scene

North Bay Police News Release ******************* On the 27th of Aug. shortly before midnight Csts. Chris Marshall and Barry McIntosh of the North Bay Police attended a call at Vincent Massey school in regards to a possible break and enter.
North Bay Police
News Release


On the 27th of Aug. shortly before midnight Csts. Chris Marshall and Barry McIntosh of the North Bay Police attended a call at Vincent Massey school in regards to a possible break and enter.

The officers arrived and saw that a window had been broken and further that there was a substantial amount of blood at the scene of this broken window.

The officers attended the North Bay hospital and arrested a male in relation to this crime. He had suffered a deep wound to his leg and had received treatment for same.

Alexandre DEGAGNE 19 years old of Kenwood Hills is charged with Attempt Break and Enter and is to attend court on the 9th of Oct.
